Tuesday, March 25, 2008

i heart parodies and youtube

A cool parody of one of my favorite children's book series. Enjoy!

[Found at Speak Quietly]

Monday, March 17, 2008

another assignment done!

This one might even be useful in the future:

Social Software in Middle and High School Instruction: A Webliography for Educators

There is so much info out there, it was hard to limit it to the 7-10 resources specified in the assignment. (So difficult, in fact, that I included 12!) This little site might make a good start for a wiki. Yes?

Monday, March 10, 2008

remind me again. why am i doing this?

Okay, so maybe taking nine credits this semester wasn't my smartest move. After several weeks of very little sleep trying to juggle the workload, kids, job, scouts, PTA, and that guy who sleeps next to me and pays for all of this...I'm wondering, "Why, why, why did I decide to go back to grad school (again)?" A few minutes catching up on bloglines, and I have my answer. (Isn't the web a wondrous thing?)
[Found at Speak Quietly.]