Saturday, June 28, 2008

Distance learning materials and fair use

Here's an interesting article for online LIS students. I'll be interested to see how it plays out. Maybe my profs will have to cut back on the assigned readings? ;-)

[Found at Library Link of the Day.]

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

midsemester blues - summer session style

Forgive me, but I can't stand another minute of my summer course. This is when the dangers of online learning really begin to show. I have no set schedule, no classes to attend. So, what's to keep me keeping up...except for falling behind?

I've spent the past 2 days reading the first 2 books in the Twilight series (or, eh hem, the "Twilight saga"). I tried to listen to my cataloging lecture today, I really did. But the 3rd book in the series is sitting here, singing to me, just begging me to sink my teeth into it...
(Sorry, pun intended, I couldn't resist.)

If the procrastination demons don't leave me soon, watch my other blog for the reviews.

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Hey! I resemble that remark.

This has apparently been around for a while. But it is new to me, and may be to you, too. Enjoy!

Found this web comic with a brilliant analogy.

The drunk librarian analogy has been immortalized on a vinyl sticker. Love the design:
drunk librarian

Monday, June 2, 2008

Monday morning rant

The moral of this story is: Take enough time away from your Blackberry to read a story to your kid instead of having them listen to one over the phone. Really.

I don't know which is more disappointing to me: The creep who hacked into the story line, or the quote from the parent who uses the service instead of reading to her kids. What's next? Dial-a-kiss for the kid's skinned knees? At least that one won't be such a stretch for the hacker.

[Found at Speak Quietly.]