Thursday, September 25, 2008

whoa, did he just say that?!

Big fan of comics. Check out today's Get Fuzzy. (Didn't find a permalink, so browse to 9/25/08 - unless, of course, it has already been taken down.) Did Bucky just say what I think he said? Wow.

Waiting for the fallout...

Saturday, September 20, 2008

my first wordle

I've been wanting to explore Wordle as a possible tool to use with my students. I'm wondering, though, if I need to worry about what shows up on the front page and gallery. For now, I've used my first posts to my 598 blog to create my first Wordle:

It's actually pretty cool if you could read it here. I like the proximity and dissonance of "disruptive" and "approval."

Guess I'll have to screen capture a larger image next time. Was hoping for a bigger pic. This can't be too complicated if I want to do it with students. Needs more research...


It's a brand new semester with a brand new workload. Don't know how much time I'll have to post here, but you can follow my web 2.0 adventures in a new blog (or two) that I've created for my social software course. The new blogs are destined for abandonment at the end of the semester. So, maybe I'll cross post here. (Definitely, if I can find some way to automate it and my posts make any sense to anyone outside of the course.) But for now, I'm all blogged up.